Planning Applications
Please click on the link below to access all planning applications submitted to the Mid Sussex District. You can access other planning documents and guidance, such as the draft District Plan.
Rural Housing: Anything of interest will be posted here.
Rural Issues: Anything of interest will be posted here.
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee in the planning process and must therefore be consulted by the Planning Authority (Mid Sussex District Council) on applications within the Albourne Parish.
The Parish Council discusses applications, received by way of consultation, in public, normally at the monthly Council meetings in the Village Hall. Planning applications received for comment by the Parish Council are usually advertised on the Parish noticeboard and will be displayed on this website (see below). Those interested in the process are welcome to attend the meetings and time at each meeting is set aside for public participation. The decision making process as far as the response is concerned remains that of the Parish Councillors. The Parish Council forward observations and recommendations to the Planning Authority with whom the actual decision on an application rests.
Brief details of the latest applications appear below. To explain the application reference, AE denotes Albourne, DM is the planning prefix, there then follows the relevant year, the 4 digit number is the numerical sequence throughout the year for the whole District. Applications are processed as FUL/householder = application for full planing permission, LBC = application for listed building consent, TREE or T(ree)C(onservation)A(rea) = application to carry out works on trees. All applications will be put on a following Agenda for discussion by the Parish Council. The comments of the Council will be set out in the Minutes of the corresponding Council meeting. The decision of the Plannning Authority (Mid Sussex District Council) will be available on request, when known. Full details of any Planning application are available for inspection at the offices of the District Council in Haywards Heath, or are viewable on their website (see link above). If you require more information on any planning application, please contact the Clerk, Iain McLean (contact details on home page).
Latest applications: