Village Hall Committee Meetings

The Village Hall Management Committee, now formally a sub-committee of the Parish Council, and which is a charitable trust, meets usually quarterly and is made up of Albourne Parish Council, as trustee of the village hall (5 Parish Councillors appointed at each Annual Parish Council meeting in May), plus up to 3 co-opted members from the wider community. Currently, the Councillors are Di Smith (elected to the Chair on 27th June 2023), Suzanne Sawyer (elected as Vice Chair on 4th January 2024), Shane Axtell, and John Spencer.There are three co-opted members, being currently, Eve Gerhold (from the Under 5s users Group), who was originally appointed to the Committee at its meeting on 30th March 2021, Christopher Davies, appointed to the Commitee on 29th August 2023, and Dave Robson who was appointed to the Committee on 4th January 2024. Mick Gratton resigned as a co-opted member in 2023. Former Chairman and Parish Council member, Elaine Makey, stood down from the Committee some time ago, as did the previous Chairman, Ann Higginson, more recently. All appointments are otherwise made/confimed at the first meeting of each municipal year in May.

Meetings, which are open to the press and public, usually take place in the village hall and the committee welcomes contributions from members of the public as to how the hall can be used to benefit the community and to increase it's benefit to village life. Please do let the Parish Council Clerk - Iain McLean, the Village Hall Bookings Secretary - Sandra Axtell, or any of the Village Hall Committee members know of any ideas that you would like to put forward.

Agendas and minutes of the meetings (from the June 2019 meeting) are published below, and all previous agendas and minutes are available on request to the Clerk (see Contact Us page). The Agenda will be published on the Wednesday or Thursday before the meeting at the latest.(Please note that due to the coronavirus pandemic, there were no meetings held between the 25th February 2020 and 30th March 2021.)

Next Meeting Date:   Tuesday, 24th September 2024 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall (To Be Confirmed).

 AGENDA                                                     MINUTES

 25/06/19 25/06/19
 24/09/19 24/09/19
 17/12/19 17/12/19
 25/02/20 25/02/20
 30/03/21 30/03/21
 29/06/21 29/06/21
 28/09/21 28/09/21
 30/11/21 30/11/21
 22/02/22 22/02/22
 31/05/22 31/05/22
 30/08/22 30/08/22
 29/11/22 29/11/22
 31/01/23 31/01/23
 28/03/23 28/03/23
 27/06/23 27/06/23
 29/08/23 29/08/23
 31/10/23 31/10/23
 04/01/24 04/01/24
 28/03/24 28/03/24
 25/06/24 25/06/24
 24/09/24 (TBC)